I often find myself pondering the truth behind the saying, “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.” Many people associate with friends who may not be a good influence, and as a result, they are often perceived in the same light.
At times, I'd sit back and wonder about the kind of friends I have. Are they ready to help me become great, or are they removing from the little value I'm trying to build?
So yes, I can truly define my friends. The moment I see you're not ready to make an impact in my life or even become better for yourself, the little I can do is speak to you and if you refuse, we go our separate ways.
You might be the one in that situation, running far away from that friend who isn't ready to improve themselves and get better is the best decision you can ever make. Friends who are always stocked up on social media and doing nothing other than while away their time.
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